[e2e] simulation using self-similar traffic

David Rincon drincon at mat.upc.es
Wed Apr 4 10:08:03 PDT 2001


I agrre with Bill Courtney; I am also interested in the discussion about
self-similar traffic.

And I also noticed the same phenomenon described by Bill:

> the simulated offered traffic is less than the expected offered traffic, and, 
> ironically, performance ends up looking better than expected rather than worse.

Our (preliminar) results from a study of medium access control mechanisms
under self-similar traffic seem to suffer it.


  OOO   David Rincon Rivera              Phn +34-93-896-7772 (Vilanova)
  OOO   http://www-mat.upc.es/~drincon/  Phn +34-93-401-7808 (Barcelona)
  OOO                                    Fax +34-93-401-5981 
  UPC   Department of Applied Mathematics and Telematics
        Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)         Barcelona  Spain

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