[e2e] [Fwd: RED-->ECN]

Bob Braden braden at ISI.EDU
Thu Feb 1 11:18:17 PST 2001

  *> Jon,
  *> Yes, we could indeed decide that penalizing long sessions is a good
  *> thing. But, guess what, the guys writing the download applications are
  *> no dummies. If they observe that 
  *> 	loop until EOF
  *> 		open connection
  *> 		go to current file location
  *> 		get an additional 5 megabytes, or the rest of the file
  *> if less
  *> ... gets then better performance than just "open a connection and get
  *> the file," guess what they will do? Indeed, you could call that an
  *> intelligence test -- smart elephants morph into mice, the other ones go
  *> the way of the dinosaurs. But then, why are we bothering writing complex
  *> requirements for TCP?


Unhh, maybe because the Internet is heterogeneous, and some parts of it
will always have 4% loss rates rather than .01%?

It is unclear whether your interesting observation is a bug, as you
suggest, or rather a feature that results from the basic packet physics.
Why is it a bad thing if users can optimize their service by opening
multiple TCP connections?

Bob Braden

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