[e2e] Traffic Archive of TCP measuerements

veres veres at comet.columbia.edu
Fri Feb 9 09:13:31 PST 2001

Traces of TCP  connections are available for download and analysis from
our new traffic archive.  Several detailed TCP measurements, between
several hosts, are available, containing packet traces with timestamps
time-series of the amount of data delivered in short time intervals
persistent and short file tranfers (measurements as well as

The datasets have been used in the analysis of TCP dynamics in the
following papers:

A. Veres, Zs. Kenesi, S. Molnar, G. Vattay, "On the Propagation of
Dependence in the Internet", Proc. ACM SIGCOMM 2000, Stockholm, Sweden,
Sep. 2000

A. Veres, M. Boda, "The Chaotic Nature of TCP Congestion Control", Proc.
INFOCOM 2000, Tel Aviv, March 2000

The datasets can be used freely. We welcome any comments and try to
answer questions regarding the traces. If suitable, please use the e2e
for further discussions about the sets.

Andras Veres

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