UDP vs. TCP distribution [was: Re: [e2e] Can feedback be generated...]

George Michaelson ggm at dstc.edu.au
Wed Feb 28 18:02:12 PST 2001

  GRE              213346212  0.04 %
  ICMP            1083751656  0.20 %
  IGMP                  7264  0.00 %
  IP               763601220  0.14 %
  IPINIP             2589084  0.00 %
  TCP           532400385076 95.81 %
  UDP            21201575665  3.82 %

Wow. Completely proved me wrong. 

  > 98 Also predates an explosion in IP-in-IP and other encapsulated
  > flows (VPNs, IPSEC, PPPoE) so I'd be willing to hazard there are
  > more fragmented flows than shown there.

And I look to be wrong on IP-in-IP as well. 

  It also predates the explosion of applications such as Napster and
  Gnutella (which both run over TCP), whose traffic volume dwarfs that
  of all UDP traffic (at least on our network).

The application mix that makes TCP predominate.. I didn't expect that. I
had assumed like FSP these things used UDP layering. 

The UDP is going to be NTP and DNS? 

Are the ssh tunnels looking like TCP and so IPSEC/ip-in-ip doesn't figure
because grassroots, people use applications tunnels instead?

  PS. are you going to IETF in London? (for the beer :-)

Hope so! Not sure if others would agree :-)
cheers, and thanks for an update on the real world stats.


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