[e2e] pchar-1.3 available

Bruce A. Mah bmah at cisco.com
Fri Jan 26 16:44:49 PST 2001

If memory serves me right, Jaiwant Mulik wrote:

> While compiling your code under linux 2.2.16-22 (Redhat 7.0) I get the
> following error:

Lesson learned:  Don't do releases around Chinese New Year.  Way too
much time spent housecleaning, calling relatives, and eating, not enough
time left for multi-platform compatability testing.

OK.  It's a one-line fix...you want to apply the patch below or wait for
1.3.1 (because there's a few other build bugs that slipped through the
cracks too).  Hopefully I'll have this out in a few days.

Sorry this release was kind of rough, and doubly sorry for spamming this
whole list with the patch.


Index: pc.h
RCS file: /users5/bmah/src/CVS/pc/pc.h,v
retrieving revision 1.25
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -c -r1.25 -r1.26
*** pc.h        2001/01/10 16:08:50     1.25
--- pc.h        2001/01/26 04:37:39     1.26
*** 128,133 ****
--- 128,134 ----
  extern "C" {
      long random(void);
+     void srandom(unsigned int);
  #endif /* NEED_RANDOM_PROTO */

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