[e2e] pre-BOF discussion: "ABR to the Internet"

Arnaud Legout legout at castify.net
Thu Jun 28 09:07:15 PDT 2001


my work on the FS-paradigm and on PLM show, among other things, that an
rate notification (based on Packet Pairs, thus without overhead) allows
for a dramatically more efficient congestion control protocol.


I believe that finding a simple mechanism for explicit rate notification
definitely simplify the problem of congestion control. The main problem
is how to define such a mechanism, the design of congestion control
protocols with such a network support is very easier than with
the current FIFO networks.

I think that working toward this direction will be highly interesting,
highly controversial as I experience during my PhD. Moreover the
deployment of such an explicit rate based notification will be very
as it will probably require significant modifications of the network.


Michael Welzl wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I would like to start a discussion to gauge interest in possibly having
> a BOF (note that nothing has been decided yet - but starting with
> a mailing list and a web site seems to be a good idea) at the London IETF
> meeting.
> The topic is "ABR to the Internet" - in fact, it's "ABR Explicit Rate
> Feedback related mechanisms for the Internet". To quote from the web site:
> The goal: A generic approach to ...
> - identify relevant information
> - propose a new protocol and/or changes to existing protocols
> - propose ways to use specific information (endpoint behaviour)
>   to achieve a certain QoS gain
> Don't think of it as strictly ABR-like (requiring per flow state).
> Think of it as ECN with a finer granularity.
> Let us see if we can find enough common ground to justify a BOF request.
> To join the discussion, subscribe to the mailing list at:
> http://www.tk.uni-linz.ac.at/~michael/abr-internet/
> You will find about anything you need at this web site.
> Kind regards,
> Michael Welzl
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dipl.-Ing. Michael Welzl     Researcher
> Telecooperation Group        Dpt. of Computer Science
> University of Linz           Altenberger Str. 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria
> Phone: +43/732/2468-9264     Fax: +43/732/2468-9829
> ICQ # 38201212               http://www.tk.uni-linz.ac.at/~michael/

Arnaud Legout, Ph.D.

Castify Networks                Phone :
2229, route des Cretes          Fax   :
06560 Sophia Antipolis          E-mail: legout at castify.net
FRANCE                          Web   : http://www.castify.net

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