UDP vs. TCP distribution [was: Re: [e2e] Can feedback be generated...]

David P. Reed dpreed at reed.com
Wed Mar 7 05:12:04 PST 2001

If carriers at all points got "paid" based on average latency, the 
investment would be there to move latency to a better attractor, which 
would track latent demand.  This is something I've been trying to get 
started for a long time.  The movement to pay carriers based on traffic 
volume, rather than delay experienced, will always drive the system to its 
worst case latency.

we need a closed loop congestion control that works in the time-scale of 
fiber deployment and LAN-speed upgrades.  We don't have one that does this, 
and no one (other than me) seems to be even seriously thinking about 
it.  I've even done something about it by advising some of the bandwidth 

At 09:24 AM 3/7/01 +0000, Jon Crowcroft wrote:

>interesting data-
>has a nice graph of latency improving as local access speed increases
>and matches the in/out capacity better, but
>shows how it aint that simple and as latent demand tracks supply, long
>haul latency goes up again...roughly speaking...

- David
WWW Page: http://www.reed.com/dpr.html

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