[e2e] TCP Framing

Cannara cannara at attglobal.net
Tue Mar 27 01:31:43 PST 2001

Actually, with current network processors (e.g., Vitesse, IBM, PMCC, Intel...)
flows are queued and can be classified for RED or other QoS purposes by
5-tuples, which include ports.  This is quite logical, since a conversation on
one port pair, especially to a common system (e.g., server) will rightly
deserve differing flow treatment from other port pairs.  Loss probability
under RED then can vary across connections between individual IP pairs.


"David P. Reed" wrote:
> Don't think this is actually true.  packet drop rate on the shared link has
> nothing to do with port numbers - even RED discriminates only on IP
> address.  Now ECN might cause one TCP to back off and another to back off
> less, but the stable state would seem to be the same, whether multiple TCP
> connections are used or not.  (some of the less end-to-endian notions of
> router fairness might give 3 TCP cnxns better service, by looking deeper
> into the packets).

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