[e2e] SIGCOMM Internet measurement workshop in November

vern at aciri.org vern at aciri.org
Sat May 5 00:31:32 PDT 2001

SIGCOMM is sponsoring an Internet measurement workshop in November of this
year.  For those potentially interested, I've appended the CFP.  We look
forward to considering any submissions you might have.



ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Workshop 2001
November 1-2, 2001
San Francisco Bay Area

This ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Workshop is a one and a half 
day event focusing on Internet measurement and analysis. Submissions 
should contribute to the current understanding of how to collect or 
analyze Internet measurements, or give insight into how the Internet 
behaves. Examples of relevant topics are:

	* Workload characterization
	* Traffic engineering
	* Web measurements
	* Inter-domain and intra-domain routing
	* Active measurement techniques
	* Passive measurement techniques
	* Anonymization/privacy issues
	* Calibration
	* Measurement-based inference of network properties
	* Efficacy of content distribution networks
	* Reassessment/testing of previous measurement findings
	* Assessment of previous simulation/testbed findings

Submissions on new ideas and work-in-progress are encouraged. Papers
that do not in some fashion rely on measuring Internet properties are
out of scope.

The workshop is sponsored by ACM SIGCOMM.  In addition to the published
proceedings, the Program Committee may also select a few papers for
fast-track submission for possible publication in IEEE/ACM Transactions
on Networking.

Attendance will be limited to 50 participants, with priority given to
authors of accepted papers, program committee members, and authors of
submitted papers.

The workshop is open to three forms of submissions:

* full papers (up to 15 pages) should exhibit succinctness appropriate 
  to the topics and themes they discuss.

* extended abstracts (up to 4 pages), conveying work expected to mature
  somewhat between submission and presentation at the workshop.

* brief abstracts (less than a single page) to be considered for a 
  possible work-in-progress session.

Submissions must be in electronic form, as plain text, Postscript,
or PDF documents, following the instructions found at:


All manuscripts must be in English. The top of the first page of each
paper should include the title of the paper, the authors and their
affiliations, and the full address for the contact author (e-mail, 
phone, fax, mailing address).

Papers and extended abstracts accepted for presentation at the workshop
will be published by ACM in proceedings.

Important dates

        June 29, 2001: HARD submission deadline 
	August 3, 2001: Notification
	August 31, 2001: Camera Ready Copy due

Steering committee
Christophe Diot, Sprint ATL (cdiot at sprintlabs.com)
Balachander Krishnamurthy, AT&T--Labs Research (bala at research.att.com)
Vern Paxson, ACIRI (vern at aciri.org)
Jennifer Rexford, AT&T--Labs Research (jrex at research.att.com)

Program committee

Mark Allman (NASA GRC, USA)
Martin Arlitt (Hewlett-Packard Labs, USA)
Paul Barford (U. of Wisconsin, USA)
Anja Feldmann (Univ. Saarbruecken, Germany)
Geoff Huston (Telstra, Australia)
Jeffrey Mogul (Compaq WRL, USA)
Henk Uijterwaal (RIPE NCC, Netherlands)

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