[e2e] Re: Network expansion based on customer demand (was: Re: [e2e] Fundamental Questions about Router Queue in High Speed IP Networks)

Panos GEVROS P.Gevros at cs.ucl.ac.uk
Sun Sep 2 07:23:11 PDT 2001

Anders Bergsten typed :

 |What I am especially thinking about is TCP's congestion control, which
 |might actually hide some information from us - the true demand of a user
 |might be quite different than what the transport mechanism allows, and
 |thus what we see in the network as resource utilisation. 

the above may be true, but again the only way to true scalability 
(spatiall/temporal) is rate adaptation.
unless the definition of the Network is modified somehow; the "one" network is 
segmented and the  end-user is aware of the segmentation
(which i'd personally dislike)

allowing diversity in the transport adaptation strategies (in a controlled 
manner - e.g through pricing but without the congestion requirement) could be 
indicative of user demand.



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