[e2e] What's the benefit of out-of-order processing?

Lars Eggert larse at ISI.EDU
Mon Sep 17 17:50:14 PDT 2001

>   You suggested an interesting way to transmit a large file.  However,
> just as you alluded to, how are you going to do congestion control if
> don't send back any intermediate feedback with ACKs?  Congestion control
> is a complicated problem.

It's still an interesting idea for a private high-speed, high-error link
(i.e. most drops from bit errors not congestion).

But I agree that it may not be the right thing for this Internet.

Lars Eggert <larse at isi.edu>               Information Sciences Institute
http://www.isi.edu/larse/              University of Southern California
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