spam (Re: [e2e] (no subject))

Joe Touch touch at ISI.EDU
Tue Aug 27 08:43:21 PDT 2002

Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> Joe Touch <touch at ISI.EDU> writes:
>>What it FAILs to do is allow a single user to manage a group of
>>subscriptions as a SET.  When a single user unsubscribes, unless
>>_they_ keep track of what the associations are, there is no way to
>>manage the group.
> If I either fixed this or got the mailman folks to fix it, would you
> reconsider?

To all,

Again, this list is optimized to be open.

Periodically, the software and its configuration are reevaluated, based 
on the availability of new software, the needs of the list, and within 
the constraints of a production system.

Again, this isn't a democracy; in a democracy, the minority always 
loses. The goal is to keep the system as open as possible for the 
largest number of participants. Other optimizations are indeed secondary.

Finally, let's all please put this into perspective:

	7 posts on this thread in 2 days (excluding my replies, FWIW)
	7 spams in 18 days

That level simply isn't enough to warrant a change in the current policy.

Yes, we will continue to increase the filters to keep the level of spam 
low. But if it's higher than any individual would like, again, please 
consider installing local spam filters.


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