[e2e] wireless links in norh europe?

Saverio Mascolo mascolo at poliba.it
Sat Feb 23 09:04:30 PST 2002


we are testing the Westwood modification to TCP over the Internet. In
particular we are measuring the goodput obtained
doing ftp from Bari, Italy to Uppsala, Sweden (the traceroute is below).
We are measuring a 20-30% goodput increment with respect to Reno that we do
not have in other cases. We suspect that the reason could be the presence of
a wireless link . Does  anyone know if this is the case?


 1     3 ms     1 ms     2 ms  poliba-gw-59.poliba.it []
  2     4 ms     6 ms     9 ms  rc-poliba.ba.garr.net []
  3    11 ms    20 ms     8 ms  na-ba-2.garr.net []
  4    21 ms    22 ms    19 ms  mi-na.garr.net []
  5    21 ms    28 ms    23 ms  garr.it1.it.geant.net []
  6    32 ms    31 ms    31 ms  it.de2.de.geant.net []
  7    54 ms    51 ms    54 ms  de.se1.se.geant.net []
  8    53 ms    54 ms    54 ms  nordunet-gw.se1.se.geant.net []
  9    53 ms    51 ms    51 ms  STK-BB-1-POS5-0.sunet.se []
 10    53 ms    62 ms    54 ms  uu-1-POS4-0-0.sunet.se []
 11    54 ms    54 ms    60 ms
 12    55 ms    57 ms    57 ms
 13    57 ms    57 ms    57 ms  wall.Signal.Uu.Se []
 14    57 ms    57 ms    57 ms  signserv.signal.uu.se []

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