[e2e] An alternative algorithm of calculating RTO

Jason Gao jaglee at peoplemail.com.cn
Mon Jun 3 18:28:27 PDT 2002

>>Maximum value of N can be aribitually chosen. It should not be less than 8 nor
> >  greater than 32.

>Isn't the limit of 8 a problem -- most transactions don't last that many
>round-trips.  And how much more accurate is this estimate (in particular,
>is the probability it is too short -- the most important issue -- greater
>or less than that of the old calculation)?

Well, there're two hidden assumption:
(1) The mrtts of the most recently acknowledged N packets without re-sending approximately reflect the current state of the network can we say rartt and rvrtt.

(2) For transactional communication, congestion control may be of little use. I mean the estimate is intent for long persistent connection.

While assumption 2 may be acceptable, assumption 1 is really a problem.

Jason Gao.
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