[e2e] CERT/CC Vulnerability Note VU#464113

Spencer Dawkins spencer_dawkins at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 3 11:03:59 PST 2003

Hi, Rick, 

I presume when you asked 

> Is it me, or does this seem to be just a little bit off as to
> where the problem
> lies and thus what aught to be patched?
> http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/464113

You referred to 

  If a vendor patch is not available for your TCP 
  implementation (and even if one is), you may wish to: 
  o not use routable IP space except inside your DMZ 

I find this amazing... apparently the problem is that some
network administrators still violate the "end-to-middle
principle" by using routable addresses in their networks?!?!


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