[e2e] Newbie question on impact of non-courteous TCP implementations

Bill St. Arnaud bill.st.arnaud at canarie.ca
Wed Jun 18 05:47:50 PDT 2003

I am trying to find out if there has been any research done on the possible
impact of some of the new TCP implementations (e.g. FAST TCP, TCP--Real, etc)
on existing TCP implementations.

I would like to know if these new implementations might possibly starve out or
seriously impair existing TCP flows that are using standard AIMD.  In the event
of congestion a more aggressive AIMD will recover more quickly and therefore
grab all the available bandwidth while the slower standard AIMD is still
ramping back up (especially those with longer RTTs).  As these new TCP
protocols are designed to support huge flows and utilize all the available
bandwidth they could have a big impact on overall network performance.

I am assuming that these flows will be used only on R&E networks where there is
no RED or similar back off mechanisms


Bill.St.Arnaud at canarie.ca
starnau at attglobal.net


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