[e2e] HTTP Deltas and parallel connections

Aniruddha Bhalekar anibha at glue.umd.edu
Wed Mar 26 11:22:30 PST 2003

Hey Alok,

Thanks for your reply. I did try and look up the archives by subject but
couldnt find the thread about the "in the path" caches you mentioned.
Would you remember even vaguely, what month/year it was?

> the predominant thing pointed out was that multiple connections havent
> helped much..at least "in the path" caching scenarios....

That surprises me because the experiments I have run using multiple
parallel (simultaneous) connections for transferring web-pages over a
high-delay link have shown upto a 25% reduction in latency, over transfers
using HTTP/1.1. Could you shed more light on this?

> im not sure what u mean by delta but read up the secion on IMS in the
> RFC.

What I mean by a "delta" is the difference in the instances of a
file/document. I'm assuming you are refering to RFC 2616 here, though I
dont get what you mean by the IMS section.



			   Graduate Research Assistant
		Center for Satellite and Hybrid Communication Networks
			       University of Maryland

aniruddha at ieee.org	      www.isr.umd.edu/~anibha	    	(301) 919 0867


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