[e2e] High Packet Loss and TCP

Ross Callon rcallon at juniper.net
Thu May 1 12:40:42 PDT 2003

My understanding is that there is some level of packet loss 
which causes TCP to back off to the point of stopping. My 
impression is that this is a sufficiently high loss rate that it 
shouldn't happen in a network which is behaving properly, 
and if it happens this should be considered a network failure 
rather than a TCP problem. (I am pretty sure that I saw this 
sort of behavior a few years ago when trying to access large 
files over a very bad link). 

Is there a paper which would describe what the appropriate 
loss rate is that would cause this problem? Is there any 
general understanding of what level of packet loss will cause
serious problems?

thanks, Ross

(PS: Please CC me, since I am not on the Email list. thanks)

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