[e2e] DNS: Directory or Rendevous?

Craig Partridge craig at bbn.com
Sat Apr 17 09:54:04 PDT 2004

In message <0c3501c42491$e8dde2d0$333924a0 at laptop60>, "Micah Beck" writes:

>The early view of the DNS was as a database holding records that map =
>names to addresses.  Each name-to-address mapping was expected to be =
>fairly static, so it was expected that a distributed implementation in =
>which hierarchical caching and time-to-live would usually give a =
>sufficiently consistent result.  While the return of invalid DNS records =
>was fatal to many applications, inconsistency was not, so this model met =
>the needs of the application community of the time.

Actually, inconsistency was potentially a problem -- and we engineered
DNS RRs to avoid inconsistency where it would cause failure (rather than
transient problems).


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