[e2e] Open the floodgate

John Day day at std.com
Tue Apr 20 06:48:14 PDT 2004

At 07:43 -0400 4/20/04, David P. Reed wrote:
>At 04:31 AM 4/20/2004, Kostas Pentikousis wrote:
>>FYI, "TCP is so 80s it may be obsolete today."
>From an outsider's perspective it looks like Injhong Rhee's 
>publicist is jealous of Karl Rove...darn - (s)he could have been 
>working for George Bush, and instead all (s)he gets is this lousy 
>gig promoting network drag races.

Is it only me or does it bug anyone else that a CS professor wouldn't 
know the difference between  physical layer bandwidth to transport 
bandwidth?  Comparing DSL and TCP makes no sense. TCP over DSL won't 
run any faster! "DSL over fiber" (whatever that means) would run much 
faster than DSL over twisted pair!  Do these people think before they 
write this junk?!   ;-)   Excuse the rant!

And  of course, as we all know TCP was actually designed in the 70's! 
not the 80s!  ;-))

It is Rhee's responsibility to ensure that the press releases don't 
make him sound dumb.  There are ways of making claims and still be 
technically correct.  If a student made that sort of comparison on a 
test I am sure Rhee would take points off!  ;-)  At least, I hope he 

Take care,

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