[e2e] Tahoe higher throuhgput than reno using finite data source

Arnaud Legout legout at castify.net
Thu Feb 12 06:29:38 PST 2004

this is also one of the conclusions of Kevin Fall and Sally Floyd in:
* Simulation-based Comparisons of Tahoe, Reno, and SACK TCP*
Fall, K. <http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/%7Ekfall/>, and Floyd, S. 
Computer Communication Review, V. 26 N. 3, July 1996, pp. 5-21.

In fact TCP reno does not react well to a burst of loss. New Reno 
performs significantly
better. Which version of Reno are you using. If you test using ns you 
can run New Reno

Also, Reno is probably not really widespread in the current Internet. It 
makes more sense,
from my point of view, to evaluate NewReno and TCP SACK. Have a look at 
the page maintained by
Sally Floyd http://www.icir.org/floyd/questions.html


Peter Dimopoulos wrote:

>I have been doing some simulations with Tahoe and Reno with a 
>finite data source (on-off source with exponentially distributed burst and 
>idle times) and I keep finding that Tahoe has higher throughput at most
>loss probabilities. Has anyone else seen this behaviour, or do they have
>any idea about how to explain it if it is in fact correct.
>When I say throughput I don't mean goodput, I mean the throughput of
>packets arriving at the bottleneck router.
>Source           Router           Destination
>    O ------------ O ------------- O
>     S                 R                   D
>Bottleneck BW (R->D) (pps):1250
>Packet Loss Prob:0.1 (exponentially distributed)
>Variable: R->D Delay 0.01-0.1 increment by 0.02 (seconds)
>S-R Delay :0.02
>Avg Idle Time:   7 seconds
>Avg Burst Time: 7 seconds
>Simulation Runtime 100000
>Packet size 1460
>Thanks for any help
>Peter Dimopoulos
>Computer Science Phd
>RMIT University

Arnaud Legout, Ph.D.

Castify Networks                Phone :
2229, route des Cretes          Fax   :
06560 Sophia Antipolis          E-mail: legout at castify.net
FRANCE                          Web   : http://www.castify.net

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