[e2e] SIGMETRICS 2005 - early registration and hotel deadlines approaching

Jussara Marques de Almeida jussara at dcc.ufmg.br
Thu Apr 28 13:04:57 PDT 2005

                   Call for Participation

              ****** ACM SIGMETRICS 2005 ******

                 International Conference on
        Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems

                      June 6-10, 2005
                    Banff, Alberta, Canada

**** Early Registration Deadline: May 5, 2005 ****
**** Hotel Reservation Deadline: May 5, 2005 ****

ACM SIGMETRICS 2005, the International Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, will be held June 6-10, 2005 in Banff,
Alberta, Canada.  The main conference (June 8-10) features eight paper
sessions and a poster session, as well a keynote talk by Urs Hoelzle
of Google, Inc., and a hot topics session on Optimization of Communication
Networks.  Preceeding the main conference are two workshops (June 6):

  -  MAthematical Modeling and Analysis (MAMA)
  -  Large Scale Network Inference (LSNI): Methods, Validation
     and Applications

and a full day of tutorials (June 7):

  -  Introduction to Control Theory for Computer Scientists
  -  Mathematical Optimization Techniques for Computer System Design
  -  Statistical Techniques for Performance Engineers
  -  Internet Routing: Measurement, Modeling, and Analysis
  -  Job Fairness in Queue Scheduling
  -  Using the Open Network Laboratory

Paper session topics include:
  -  Peer-to-Peer Networks
  -  Traffic Measurement and Classification
  -  Wireless Networks
  -  Caching and File Systems
  -  Bandwidth Sharing and Scheduling
  -  Network and Server Performance Measurement and Evaluation
  -  Traffic Estimation and Topology Inference.

For program details see the conference web site

Student travel grants are available to encourage student participation.
See the website for application details.  A Ph.D. student forum and
dinner are planned for June 6.

Banff is a world-class vacation spot in Banff National Park, in the heart
of the Canadian Rocky Mountains.  Conference attendees are encouraged to
take advantage of the potential sightseeing and leisure (or not so "leisure")
activities.  A group hiking expedition is being organized for June 5th.

Organizing Committee

General Co-Chairs:
  Derek Eager, University of Saskatchewan, (eager at cs.usask.ca)
  Carey Williamson, University of Calgary, (carey at cpsc.ucalgary.ca)

Program Co-Chairs:
  Sem Borst, Bell Labs and CWI, (sem at research.bell-labs.com, sem.borst at cwi.nl)
  John C.S. Lui, Chinese University of Hong Kong, (cslui at cse.cuhk.edu.hk)

Tutorials Co-Chairs:
  Kimberly Keeton, HP Labs, (kkeeton at hpl.hp.com)
  Vishal Misra, Columbia University, (misra at cs.columbia.edu)

Finance Chair:
  Martin Arlitt, U. Calgary, (arlitt at cpsc.ucalgary.ca)

Proceedings Chair:
  Anirban Mahanti, U. Calgary, (mahanti at cpsc.ucalgary.ca)

Registration Chair and Local Arrangements Chair:
  Camille Sinanan, U. Calgary, (camille at cpsc.ucalgary.ca)

Publicity Co-Chairs:
  Jussara Almeida, UFMG, Brazil, (jussara at dcc.ufmg.br)
  Thomas Bonald, France Telecom, (thomas.bonald at francetelecom.com)

Technical Program Committee:
  Vikram Adve, UIUC
  Marco Ajmone-Marsan, Politecnico di Torino
  Mostafa Ammar, Georgia Tech
  Francois Baccelli, INRIA/ENS
  Ernst Biersack, Institut Eurecom
  Thomas Bonald, France Telecom
  Edmundo De Souza e Silva, Fed U Rio de Janiero
  Christophe Diot, Intel
  Allen Downey, Olin College
  Nick Duffield, AT&T
  Ashish Goel, Stanford
  Leana Golubchik, USC
  Albert Greenberg, AT&T
  Matthias Grossglauser, EPFL
  Mor Harchol-Balter, CMU
  Jennifer Hou, UIUC
  R.K. Iyer, UIUC
  Shivkumar Kalyanaraman , RPI
  Kimberly Keeton, HP Labs
  Peter Key, Microsoft
  Anurag Kumar, IISC Bangalore
  Jim Kurose, UMass at Amherst
  T.V. Lakshman, Bell Labs
  Simon Lam, U Texas at Austin
  Jean-Yves Le Boudec, EPFL
  Kai Li, Princeton
  Zhen Liu, IBM
  Laurent Massoulie, Microsoft
  Rob van der Mei, CWI/Vrije U
  Arif Merchant, HP Labs
  Vishal Misra, Columbia
  Sue Moon, KAIST
  Dick Muntz, UCLA
  Erich Nahum, IBM
  Philippe Nain, INRIA
  Antonio Nucci , Sprint
  Banu Ozden, USC
  Keith Ross, Polytechnic U
  Matthew Roughan, Adelaide U
  Dan Rubenstein, Columbia
  Sanjay Shakkottai, U Texas Austin
  Evgenia Smirni, College of William & Mary
  Daniel Sorin, Duke U
  Mark Squillante, IBM
  R. Srikant, UIUC
  Y.C. Tay, NUS
  Don Towsley, UMass at Amherst
  Phuoc Tran-Gia, U Wurzburg
  Jeffrey Vetter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  Geoff Voelker, UCSD
  Jia Wang, AT&T
  Randy Wang, Princeton
  Jun Xu, Georgia Tech
  David K.Y. Yau, Purdue U
  Pen-Chung Yew, U Minnesota
  Philip S. Yu, IBM
  Zhi-Li Zhang, U Minnesota

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