[e2e] IWAN 2005 - Call for Attendance - November 21-23 2005

Robin Braun Robin.Braun at uts.edu.au
Wed Oct 19 16:59:39 PDT 2005

        --                I W A N    2 0 0 5                  --
        -- Seventh Annual International Working Conference on --
        --         Active and Programmable Networks           --
        --               November 21-23 2005                  --
        --          Sophia Antipolis, Nice, FRANCE            --
        --                                                    --
        --                  Co-organized by :                 --
        --         INRIA (RESO Team) and HITACHI Europe       --
        --                                                    --
        --              http://www.iwan2005.net               --
        --                                                    --

                           Call For Attendance

Please accept our invitation to attend IWAN 2005. This year we have a
very high quality program that can be viewed at our website. The 
workshop is to be held in the beautiful south of France. You can
find other information their on travel and accomodation. 

Active and programmable networking has, over the past several years,
laid the foundations of providing easy, but robust, introduction of
new network services to devices such as routers and switches by adding
dynamic programmability to network equipment. Network programmability
and service deployment architectures can bring the right services to the
customer at the right time and location. The methods and technologies
explored in active and programmable networking research have helped
to realise the trend towards ad-hoc networks, autonomic computing and
communications, sensor networks and content-aware distribution. Also,
active and programmable networks will continue to play an important role
in future network architectures where the Quality of Service aspects
of performance, security and resilience are crucial.

Organizing Committee:

  * General Chair: David Hutchison, Lancaster University, UK
  * Program Comittee Chairs: Spyros Denazis, Hitachi Europe, France /
    Univ. Patras, Greece - Laurent Lefevre, INRIA, France -
    Gary J. Minden, The University of Kansas, USA
  * Publication Chair: Alessandro Bassi, Hitachi, France
  * Publicity Chair: Jean-Patrick Gelas, INRIA, France -
    Robin Braun, University of Technology of Sydney, Australia
  * Tutorial Chair : Mikhail Smirnov, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
  * Local Arrangements committee : Beatrice Dessus, Hitachi Europe,
    France -  Daniele Herzog, INRIA, France
  * Local Technical Support : Jean-Christophe Mignot, LIP,
    Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France

IWAN 2005 is co-organized by : INRIA (RESO Team) and HITACHI Europe
Robin M. Braun, Professor of Telecommunications 
University of Technology, Sydney
Ultimo, NSW Australia
Robin.Braun at uts.edu.au or www.eng.uts.edu.au/~robinb  
Voice: +61 2 9514 2460. Fax: +61 2 9514 2435 Mobile/Txt: +61 400 220 251

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