[e2e] CFP: Workshop on Protocols for Fast Long-Distance Networks (PFLDnet2006)

Aaron Falk falk at ISI.EDU
Fri Jan 6 09:45:51 PST 2006

Call For Participant

Fourth International Workshop on Protocols for Fast Long-Distance
Networks (PFLDnet2006)

February 2-3, 2006

Nara, Japan - An ancient capital city older than Kyoto


Fast long-distance networks (i.e., networks operating at 622 Mbit/s,
2.5 Gbit/s, or 10 Gbit/s, soon will be 40 Gbit/s, and spanning several
countries or states) are now becoming commonplace. Increasing numbers
of researchers now routinely transfer between 10 GB and multi-TB
datasets over gigabit networks. Application domains for such massive
transfers include data-intensive Grids (e.g., in Particle Physics,
Earth Observation, Bio Informatics, and Radio Astronomy), database
mirroring for Web sites (e.g., in e-commerce), and push-based Web
cache updates.

Although the connectivity infrastructure is now in place, or will
soon be, the transport and application protocols available to date are
proving inadequate for fast transfer of large volumes of data over such
networks. Current versions of TCP cannot fully exploit the network
capacity. For instance, recovery time from a congestion event grows
at a super-linear rate, and can easily exceed 10 minutes in very high
bandwidth-delay product networks. It also requires a large congestion
window for high throughput, consuming valuable system resources.
A number of research teams have begun investigating advanced protocols
for domain-specific and general applications.

The International Workshop on Protocols for Fast Long-Distance
Networks in CERN (http://datatag.web.cern.ch/datatag/pfldnet2003/),
in Argonne (http://www-didc.lbl.gov/PFLDnet2004/), and
in Lyon (http://www.ens-lyon.fr/LIP/RESO/pfldnet2005/) were very
successful in bringing together many researchers from all over the
world including North America, Europe and Asia who are working on
these problems. This workshop will continue this tradition, and
provide a perfect setting for researchers in this area to exchange
ideas and experience.

This single-track workshop will provide researchers and technologists
with a focused, highly interactive opportunity to present, discuss and
exchange experience on leading research, development and future
directions in high performance transport and application protocols
(TCP, UDP, HTTP, FTP, etc.) over fast long-distance networks.

In order to facilitate discussions, attendance will be limited to
60 participants. Please register early to ensure your participation.
Depending on the number of people who register, we may need to
restrict the number of people from a given organization to allow for
a broader representation of the research community.


The registration information is shown in:



   On or Before 17:00 January 13, 2006 / Japan Standard Time (GMT+9)

   General JPY 30,000
   Student JPY 15,000


   After 17:00 January 13, 2006 / Japan Standard Time (GMT+9)

   General JPY 40,000
   Student JPY 20,000


The PFLDnet2006 workshop will focus on research issues and
challenges as well as lessons learned from experience. Topics of
interest include and are not limited to:

- Protocol issues in fast long-distance networks
- Enhancements of TCP and its variants
- Novel data transport protocols designed for new application services
- Transport over optical networks
- RDMA over WANs
- Shaping on TCP and UDP traffic
- QoS and scalability issues
- Parallel transfers and multistreaming
- Multicast over fast long-distance networks
- Modeling and simulation-based results
- Experiments on real networks and actual measurements
- Protocol benchmarking
- Protocol implementation and hardware issues
   (PCs, NICs, TOEs, routers, switches, etc.)
- Data replications and striping
- Requirements and experience from bandwidth demanding applications
- Bulk-data transfer applications both TCP and non-TCP based
- Transport service for Grids

Important Dates

Advance Registration Deadline: January 13
Final Paper Submission: January 20
Workshop: February 2-3


Richard Hughes-Jones (Univ. Manchester - UK)
Kei Hiraki (Univ. of Tokyo - JP)
Jason Leigh (UIC - USA)

Steering Committee:
Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet (INRIA - FR)
Tomohiro Kudoh (AIST - JP)
Katsushi Kobayashi (NICT - JP)

Technical Program Committee :
Brian L Tierney (LBL - USA)
R. Les Cottrell (SLAC - USA)
Bill Allcock (ANL - USA)
Eitan Altman (INRIA - FR)
Richard Carlson (Internet2 - USA)
Sally Floyd (ICIR - USA)
Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet (INRIA - FR)
Tomohiro Kudoh (AIST - JP)
Douglas Leith (Hamilton Institute - IR)
Steven Low (CALTECH - USA)
Medy Sanadidi (UCLA - USA)
Robin Tasker (CCLRC - UK)
Hideyuki Shimonishi (NEC - JP)
Kenjiro Cho (IIJ - JP)
Injong Rhee (NCSU - USA)
Andrew Chien (UCSD - USA)
Aaron Falk (ISI - USA)
Saverio Mascolo (Politecnico di Bari - IT)
Katsushi Kobayashi (NICT - JP)

Local Organization Committee:
Noritoshi Demizu (NICT - JP)

Juniper Networks

pfldnet2006-la at hpcc.jp

Program (draft)

February 2nd:

08:30-09:00     Registration and Breakfast
09:00-10:20     Opening and Keynote 1
                 Kei Hiraki (University of Tokyo)

10:20-10:40     Break
10:40-12:00     Session 1: New ideas

                 "Evaluating the Performance of TCP Stacks for
                  High-Speed Networks"
                 B. Even, Y. Li, and D.J. Leith
                 (Hamilton Institute) (30 min.)

                 "Large Scale Gigabit Emulated Testbed for Grid
                  Transport Evaluation"
                 P. Vicat-Blanc Primet*, R. Takano***, Y. Kodama**,
                 T. Kudoh**, O. Gluck*, and C. Otal*
                 (ENS Lyon*, AIST**, AXE Inc.***) (20 min.)

                 "Studying Multi-rate Multicast Congestion Control with
                  Explicit Router Feedback"
                 K. Nakauchi and K. Kobayashi (NICT) (30 min.)

12:00-13:00     Lunch
13:00-14:20     Session 2: TCP issues

                 "Impact of Drop Synchronisation on TCP Fairness in
                  High Bandwidth-Delay Product Networks"
                 D.J. Leith and R. Shorten
                 (Hamilton Institute) (30 min.)

                 "The effect of reverse traffic on the performance of
                  new TCP  congestion control algorithms for gigabit
                 S. Mascolo and F. Vacirca
                 (Politecnico di bari) (20 min.)

                 "A Step toward Realistic Performance Evaluation of
                  High-Speed TCP Variants"
                 Sangtae Ha, Yusung Kim, Long Le, Injong Rhee, and
                 Lisong Xu* (NCSU, UNL*) (30 min.)

14:20-14:50     Break
14:50-15:50     Session 3: Implementation issues

                 "Transmission Timer Approach for Rate Based Pacing TCP
                  with Hardware Support"
                 K. Kobayashi (NICT) (20 min.)

                 "Inline Path Characteristic Estimation to Improve TCP
                  Performance in High Bandwidth-Delay Networks"
                 C. Marcondes, A. Persson, M.Y. Sanadidi and M. Gerla
                 (UCLA) (20 min.)

                 "A Case for UDP offload Engines in LambdaGrids"
                 V. Vishwanathz, P. Balaji*, W. Feng**, J. Leigh, and
                 D. K. Panda* (UIC, OSU*, LANL**) (20 min.)

15:40-16:10     Break
16:10-17:40     Panel TBD

February 3rd:

08:30-09:00     Breakfast
09:00-10:00     Keynote 2
                 Michael Chen (Chelsio Communications)

10:00-10:30     Break
10:30-11:50     Session 4: TCP variant

                 "Compound TCP: A Scalable and TCP-Friendly Congestion
                  Control for High-speed Networks"
                 Kun Tan Jingmin Song, Qian Zhang*, and Murari  
                 (Microsoft Research Asia, HK Univ of Science &  
                  Microsoft Corp.**) (30 min.)

                 "Analysis of TCP Westwood+ in high speed networks"
                 E. Altman, C. Barakat, S. Mascolo, N. Moller, and
                 J. Sun (INRIA) (30 min.)

                 "TCP-Adaptive Reno: Improving Efficiency-Friendliness
                  Tradeoffs of TCP Congestion Control Algorithm"
                 H. Shimonishi, T. Hama, and T. Murase
                 (NEC Corp.) (20 min.)

11:50-12:50     Lunch
12:50-14:00     Session 5: Performance evaluations on production  

                 "Experimental Results of TCP/IP data transfer On
                  10Gbps IPv6 Network"
                 J. Tamatsukuri, K. Inagami, M. Inaba, and K. Hiraki
                 (Univ. Tokyo)(20 min.)

                 "Can high-speed transport protocols be deployed on the
                  Internet? : Evaluation through experiments on JGNII"
                 K. Kumazoe, K. Kouyama*, Y. Hori**, M. Tsuru***, and
                 Yuji Oie*** (NICT, KEPCO*, Kyushu Univ.**, Kyushu
                 Institute of Technology***) (30 min.)

                 "Realtime Burstiness Measurement"
                 R. Takano *&**, Y. Kodama*, T. Kudoh*, M. Matsuda*,
                 F. Okazaki*, and Y. Ishikawa***
                 (AIST*, AXE Inc.**, Univ. of Tokyo***) (20 min.)

14:00:14:30     Break
14:30-15:30     Session 6: Light path issues

                 "Paced XCP for Small Buffered Optical Packet Switching
                 O. Alparslan, S. Arakawa, and M. Murata
                 (Osaka Univ.) (20 min.)

                 "Evaluation of End-node Based Rate Allocation Schemes
                  for Lambda-Networks"
                 Xinran (Ryan) Wu and Andrew A. Chien (UCSD) (20 min.)

                 "Lightpaths for Protocol Performance"
                 K. Roberts (Nortel) (20 min.)

15:30-15:50     Break
15:50-17:20     Panel TBD

17:20-17:50     Closing
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