[e2e] opening multiple TCP connections getting popular

Lars Eggert lars.eggert at nokia.com
Thu Aug 30 19:08:10 PDT 2007

On 2007-8-30, at 15:18, ext Michael Welzl wrote:
> Does anybody know if there's a generally known, agreed upon reason
> for not using Window Scaling? Google tells me that some broken
> routers can't handle it... but, interestingly, Wikipedia (via
> google :-) ) tells me that, since kernel version 2.6.8, the option
> is enabled in Linux by default, and that it's used (by default? don't
> know) in Vista...  so what, are we already heading for trouble?

Microsoft presented their findings related to window scaling (and  
several other TCP extensions) at the IETF TSVAREA meeting in Prague.  
See http://www3.ietf.org/proceedings/07mar/slides/tsvarea-3/sld3.htm  
and the two following slides. Summary: Window scaling is enabled in  
Vista, but limited to a factor of 2.

PPT slides are here: http://www3.ietf.org/proceedings/07mar/slides/ 

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