[e2e] Small packets - Definition needed..

David P. Reed dpreed at reed.com
Fri Mar 23 07:20:20 PDT 2007

576 is a lovely number of octets.   I first encountered its loveliness 
when I realized that it is 9 times 64.   Which means that all the 
popular word sizes of computers divide it evenly.   Thus, you can 
transmit packets that are composed of 72-bit, 36-bit, 64-bit, 32-bit, 
24-bit, 18-bit, 16-bit, 12-bit, 8-bit, and 4-bit data arrays.

And RSA-576 is the second largest number factored in the RSA Factoring 
Challenge (640, another number to be conjured with, was chosen by IBM 
and Microsoft as the limiting size of the IBM PC architecture's memory, 
and RSA-640 is the largest factored number in that challenge).

And it has many other numerological properties.   It is the sum of 2^6 
and 2^9 octets.   69 is a wonderful reference (at least in English 
speaking countries).

If you add the number 90 to it, it generates the biblical number we must 
not refer to here.   If you subtract 80 from it, you get one of the 
"perfect" numbers.   So it stands in the middle between perfectability 
and evil.

Arjuna Sathiaseelan wrote:
> Dear All,
>  I have been trying to find out the definition of small and large
> packets. There are protocols such as TFRC-SP which are used for small
> packets. I am wondering how do we define small packets? What is the
> size limit?
> My thoughts on this is : any packet size less than 576 bytes, could be
> considered as small packets. And more than 576 bytes, could be termed
> large packets.
> Any thoughts.
> Regards
> Arjuna
> -------------------------------
> Dr.Arjuna Sathiaseelan
> Electronics Research Group
> University of Aberdeen
> Aberdeen AB24 3UE
> Email: arjuna at erg.abdn.ac.uk <mailto:arjuna at erg.abdn.ac.uk>
> Web: www.erg.abdn.ac.uk/users/arjuna 
> <http://www.erg.abdn.ac.uk/users/arjuna>
> Phone : +44-1224-272780
> Fax :     +44-1224-272497

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