[e2e] TCP to exhibit MTU unfairness?

Detlef Bosau detlef.bosau at web.de
Tue Nov 13 13:32:24 PST 2007


Lachlan Andrew wrote:
> If we're willing to change TCP, we can just specify the rate of change
> independently of MTU.  Some proposals to get RTT fairness essentially
> do that.

Hm. Just a question on RTT fairness: Is it intended to have the same RTT 
for competing flows sharing a bottleneck?

> We want fairness if we have a common *bottleneck*, rather than
> complete common path.  The bottleneck could well be a 10G link, which
> can support jumbo frames.

Absolutely. The bottleneck is the link where packets are dropped. 
Actually, this can well be the "broadest" link along the whole path.

However, when TCP congestion control achieves fairness of capacity 
usage, I would well accept when two competing flows do not achieve 
exactly the same throughput although they share a common bottleneck. Do 
you agree here?



Detlef Bosau                          Mail:  detlef.bosau at web.de
Galileistrasse 30                     Web:   http://www.detlef-bosau.de
70565 Stuttgart                       Skype: detlef.bosau
Mobile: +49 172 681 9937

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