[e2e] Human mobility models

Injong Rhee rhee at ncsu.edu
Sat May 30 07:27:45 PDT 2009

We have been developing on several realistic human mobility models. When one wants to run simulation for mobile networks including cellular networks, MANET and DTN, he/she always faces with issues of realistic mobility trace generation. Our work is based on daily GPS traces of more than 100 hundred volunteers at five different locations including two university campuses, disney world, and new york city. From these traces, we discovered several fundamental statistical patterns inherent in human mobility, in particular, how people choose their next destinations and how destinations are dispersed. Our new mobility models express these patterns. We have implemented the models in NS and MatLab. You can download your software from http://netsrv.csc.ncsu.edu/twiki/bin/view/Main/MobilityModels. 

Feedback always welcomed and appreciated!
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