[e2e] IEEE Computer Communications Workshop 2010 - call for panel proposals

Joe Touch touch at isi.edu
Sun Jun 13 22:51:01 PDT 2010

       24th IEEE Computer Communications Workshop, 2010 (CCW10)

		    Oct. 25, 2010 to Oct. 27, 2010
	    Lake Arrowhead Resort, Lake Arrowhead, CA USA


		       Call for Panel Proposals

The IEEE Computer Communications Workshop (CCW) is the annual flagship
meeting of the Communications Society's Technical Committee on Computer
Communications (TCCC).  CCW is a panel-based workshop with informal,
interactive sessions exploring emerging issues and trends in networking
and computer communications.

We are soliciting proposals for panel and sessions for this year's
workshop. The themes for 2010 include but are not limited to: network
issues of cloud computing, smart grids, cyber/network security,
privacy, data-centric networking, network management, and green nets.

Panels consist of a panel chair, a panel topic, and a set of 3-4
intended panelists. Panel proposals should include these items,
describe a few key questions or issues to be explored, and explain a
key position each proposed panelist is expected to represent.
Proposals should be made by the intended panel chair.

For each panel proposal, please submit the topic and a brief (300
words) abstract, as well as the information indicated above, to the
chairs before July 15, 2010.

Joe Touch and Gene Tsudik
CCW 2010 Chairs
touch at isi.edu
gts at ics.uci.edu

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