[e2e] Looking for measurements on UDP blocking and rate limiting

michawe michawe at ifi.uio.no
Tue Mar 22 05:38:52 PDT 2011

Thanks a lot, that's interesting!

but I should have been clearer in what I need: the difference between the rate achievable by TCP and UDP.  (i.e. I care about TCP vs. UDP, and I don't care about the actual method of rate limitation, shaping or policing).

>From your TR, it seems that I can get an idea by comparing figures 9 and 14, which roughly indicates that Cox probably doesn't differentiate between UDP and TCP for shaping; but these two experiment types are probably not correlated...

Anyway, thanks again for this!


On Mar 22, 2011, at 5:57 AM, Partha Kanuparthy wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> This is in response to your question on UDP rate limiting. We have been working on a tool called ShaperProbe to detect traffic shaping signatures on UDP traffic, and to estimate the corresponding token bucket parameters. We host it as a service on M-Lab; please feel free to test it:
> http://www.measurementlab.net/measurement-lab-tools#tool5
> We have collected shaping data from several ISPs over the last couple of months. A tech report describing a few ISP observations is online:
> http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~partha/shaperprobe-TR.pdf
> Thanks,
> Partha.
> michawe wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just spent quite a long time searching, including digging through the last couple of years of IMC, PAM and SIGMETRICS - but to my surprise, I was unable to find any measurement study on UDP blocking or UDP-specific (as opposed to TCP-) rate limiting in the Internet. There must be some studies out there?!
>> Any hints would be greatly appreciated; and very sorry for the noise in case I just overlooked a very obvious and well-known reference!
>> Michael

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