[e2e] TCP sequence number reset

Detlef Bosau detlef.bosau at web.de
Thu Mar 31 04:09:03 PDT 2011

On 03/30/2011 04:56 PM, Kacheong Poon wrote:
> SCTP TSN/SSN reset.  Each stream in an SCTP association is just
> like a TCP connection.  As many folks have commented, resetting
> TCP sequence number does not sound right.  The same thinking applies
> well to the SCTP case.

As I stated ago, I'm not quite familiar with SCTP. However, you could 
find out whether the TCP related comments relate to SCTP in the same way 
by simply summarizing the abstraction provided by SCTP. Because I'm an 
SCTP newbie, I'm eager to learn ;-) So, you could simply start by 
summarizing the abstraction provided by SCTP - and we will see, what we 
can achieve.


Detlef Bosau
Galileistraße 30	
70565 Stuttgart                            Tel.:   +49 711 5208031
                                            mobile: +49 172 6819937
                                            skype:     detlef.bosau
                                            ICQ:          566129673
detlef.bosau at web.de                     http://www.detlef-bosau.de

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