[e2e] Available PHD research fellowship in the area of Video/signal/3D Processing

Pål Halvorsen paalh at ifi.uio.no
Mon Mar 26 05:05:43 PDT 2012

There is a position as PhD Research fellow in Video Processing available
in the iAD Centre for Research Based Innovation at the Department for
Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway

The PhD research fellow will work in the area of real-time processing
and delivery of (3D) video where the fellow takes part in forming a
relatively new activity within our research group. Generally, topics
of interest include multiview/freeview coding, 3D object extraction
and 3D video analysis, 3D rendering and display, and efficient
(real-time) processing and transport of such streams. 

The position is connected to the iAD Centre for Research Based
Innovation with other partners such as Microsoft, Accenture, Funcom,
ComoYo, ZXY and the Universities in Tromsø, Trondheim, Dublin
(Ireland) and Cornell (USA) 

The fellowship is for a period of 3 years. Starting date as soon as
possible, but no later than August 1, 2012. 

Application deadline: April 10, 2012

For more details about applying for the position:

For more details about the research plan associated with this
position see 

---- Paal Halvorsen ---- home.ifi.uio.no/paalh ----

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