[e2e] Discrete IP - retake

Jon Crowcroft jon.crowcroft at cl.cam.ac.uk
Wed Sep 19 00:17:05 PDT 2012

Take the MANET example, sure. Many use cases exist since ARPA Packet radio
days. Battlefield networks, disaster recovery networks, vehicular
networks...some actually in use ad deployed.

The internet isn't for just one thing.it is, by definition, for anything we
can imagine and realize...it is the union of all communications, not the
intersection of one notion with one technology.
On 18 Sep 2012 17:48, "Pars Mutaf" <pars.mutaf at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 7:17 PM, Jon Crowcroft <Jon.Crowcroft at cl.cam.ac.uk
> > wrote:
>> this is what we used to talk about as the
>> "my problem is too hard even for you" poser syndrome
>> basically, whenever you offer a workable solution,
>> the poser (of the problem) changes the
>> problem (or the assumptions)
> No I didn't change the problem:
> What do we want for the Internet? Did we really ask this question?
> Take MANET for example, they did not ask themselves what it is used for.
> They cannot explain.
> I would start a new thread "What do we want for the Internet"  but I am
> not sure if I should do this.
> Cheers,
> Pars
>> one of the nice things about IP (and the E2E argument(s))
>> is that it is really hard to change the problem it solves
>> in a way it still doesn't solve, whichever version you choose
>> (well, ok, maybe not IPv5:)
>> In missive <50589DCC.2030808 at dcrocker.net>, Dave Crocker typed:
>>  >>
>>  >>On 9/18/2012 3:35 AM, Jon Crowcroft wrote:
>>  >>> In missive <
>> CACQuiebE-sXDZD-xxaeC2iWfM58iDwO+V2XV1tFcP5PgT+Vq2A at mail.gmail.com>, Par
>>  >>> s Mutaf typed:
>>  >>>
>>  >>>   >>> I encourage you to read the relevant prior work (many pointers
>> were given)
>>  >>>   >>Only 1 pointer was given (by Jon Crowcroft), it is not relevant.
>>  >>>
>>  >>> it is exactly relevant.
>>  >>
>>  >>
>>  >>in the broader sense of whether this thread has been, or has any hope
>> of
>>  >>being, constructive, it was not relevant...
>>  >>
>>  >>d/
>>  >>
>>  >>--
>>  >>  Dave Crocker
>>  >>  Brandenburg InternetWorking
>>  >>  bbiw.net
>>  cheers
>>    jon
> --
> http://www.content-based-science.org
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