[e2e] Invitation to WiFiUS PI & Collaboration Meeting, August 12-13, @ RPI, Troy NY

Alhussein Abouzeid ahaz70 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 12:38:56 PDT 2013

Dear colleague,

You are cordially invited to The Second WiFiUS Meeting which will be held on August 12-13, 2013, at RPI, Troy NY. The meeting is open for everyone interested in international research collaborations on wireless communication networks, and in particular, research related to spectrum access and efficiency. WiFiUS, the NSF SAVI Virtual Institute for Wireless Research between Finland and USA, www.wifius.org, is jointly funded by NSF, Tekes, and The Academy of Finland.  

Meeting Objectives:
The meeting has two main objectives: 1) to bring together international researcher from US, Finland, and other countries, to form future international research collaborations, and,  2) to report on ongoing WiFiUS collaborations and projects. 

Meeting Agenda:
The meeting will include (a) presentations of recent results by principal investigators engaged in ongoing research collaborations, (b) brief (5-minute) presentations by researchers interested in establishing new international research collaborations, (c) work sessions that will enable formation of new collaborations and cross-fertilization with existing ones, and (d)  presentations by working groups outlining future collaboration topics.

The meeting has no registration fee. Due to space limitations, participants need to pre-register at the following link: http://www.jotformpro.com/abouzeid/wifiusmeeting
Pre-Registration deadline: There is no hard deadline, but early registrations will be given priority, and pre-registration is preferred before June 30, 2013.
Registration confirmation: On or before July 7, 2013, or within one week of pre-registering, whichever is earlier.
Final registration: July 12, 2013

About NSF SAVI and WiFiUS:

Science Across Virtual Institutes (SAVI) is a mechanism to foster and strengthen interaction among scientists, engineers and educators around the globe. It is based on the knowledge that excellence in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) research and education exists in many parts of the world, and that scientific advances can be accelerated by scientists and engineers working together across international borders. SAVI provides a mechanism for U.S. research communities to build long-term, structured collaborations with partnering countries in STEM fields. See http://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/savi/index.jsp for more details. 

WiFiUS is a SAVI project that provides a platform for building long-term research and education collaboration between the two world leaders in the field of wireless networking. WiFiUS connects thirteen U.S. institutions and five Finnish institutions and centers of excellence in the area of dynamic radio spectrum access, which are independently supported by the Academy of Finland and Tekes (the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation). The technical focus of the institute is on wireless spectrum efficiency technologies. The institute provides an environment for creative international collaboration that leverages the synergies and resources for research and education in the two countries in order to accelerate the rate of development of research innovations and the development of talent and work-force capable of excelling in the a new highly interconnected world. See http://www.wifius.org for more details.

Best regards.

Alhussein A. Abouzeid, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 8th. St., JEC6038,
Troy NY 12180
Office: 518-276-6534
email: abouzeid at ecse.rpi.edu
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