Larry- Vern asked a set of good questions. We should discuss them. This note is not part of such a discussion. You started it. This: > So, in my view, it seems to come down to two alternatives: > > 1) HotNets continues with SIGCOMM sponsorship, remains closed, > but has a more transparent admissions policy; or > > 2) HotNets leaves the SIGCOMM nest. is not part of a useful discussion on the questions Vern asked. Conferences / workshops / etc. that want to use the SIG umbrella for the benefits (which you clearly believe are present - from reading your note) at least have the responsibility to engage in a discussion with the community on issues like this, IMO. If the grass roots that pitch ideas to the SIG cannot agree to that then I don't feel particularly bad about seeing the door hit 'em on the way out. Reasonable people can, of course, have philosophical differences and one could envision things coming to your (1) or (2). I would hope that maybe we could all reason about these things and it would not come to that. At least I would hope that we could *have* a discussion before people start throwing down "my way or else" sorts of statements. (Statements which are clearly ludicrous anyway ... as if there aren't many very able people in this community who could drive a new SIGCOMM workshop on "Hot Topics In Networking".) For instance, I'd be interested in hearing your reasoning behind this statement ... > I also strongly believe that there is a valuable place for workshops > with limited attendance. That would be useful to me. (Not saying I agree or disagree ... just that I'd like to have *that* conversation and I'd be quite interested in your thinking on the matter since you have been through all stages of a number of such events.) allman