> I wonder if there's an angle whereby the key notion is "preliminary" > work, as opposed to short, workshop, or conference. Ah - maybe that is it. Maybe the notion is that previously published preliminary work that is significantly expanded is acceptable for a conference. And, the review of the conference paper will take into account the entire paper and not just the delta over the preliminary version. (I think this is the *notion* we're all sort of talking about, but we're getting hung up on some of the words.) Maybe with this we could encourage PCs to do what SIGCOMM did this year and ask authors for the pedigree of submissions? E.g., "this work has never been published". E.g., "the original idea was published in hotnet04, but has been reworked a little and analytical and experimental analyses have been added". E.g., "this paper has been circulated in the community as ICSI tech report 45, but never published". I thought that was a good idea. The information is then explicit and known to all. allman