[e2e] where end-to-end ends

Christian Huitema huitema at windows.microsoft.com
Wed May 23 11:39:24 PDT 2001

> Gross delay turns data transmission into a data buffer, and makes not
> TCP but any kind of syncrhonous end-to-end signaling impossible.  Thus
> end-to-end argument has to be applied to buffered, stateful,
> networks.  This is not the usual context in which the end-to-end
> is
> applied, and is considered by many to be antithetical to the notion of
> end-to-end communication.

The end-to-end argument is not restricted to the sending of TCP
acknowledgments; it can also derived from security considerations, e.g.
what is your trade off between encryption overhead and privacy
requirements, or how the trade off between checksum strength and
computation overhead. Neither of that is real time by nature.

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