[e2e] FYA

Rick Jones rick_jones2 at hp.com
Wed Apr 30 14:25:19 PDT 2003

It would also be interesting to know how they intend to achieve
"broadcast."  Assuming there was ISP support for multicasting they could
I suppose try to define a multicast address/port one listens on, but
then all the RIAA/MPAA would do would be get congress to give them
authority to demand ISP's release IGMP traffic when presented with an
administrative supeona (sp) and use that to obtain the actual IP
addresses and apply a guilt by association argument.

rick jones
Wisdom Teeth are impacted, people are affected by the effects of events.
these opinions are mine, all mine; HP might not want them anyway... :)
feel free to post, OR email to raj in cup.hp.com  but NOT BOTH...

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