[e2e] IWQoS 2004: Call for Participation

Baochun Li bli at eecg.toronto.edu
Thu Apr 29 15:38:16 PDT 2004

The Twelfth International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2004)

                         Delta Centre-Ville
                         Montreal, Canada

                          June 7-9, 2004

         Sponsored by IEEE Communications Society and TCCC


                     ** Call for Participation **

IWQoS 2004 will bring together researchers from industry and academia to
present and discuss the latest advances in Quality of Service provisioning
in wireline and wireless networks, servers and applications.  The technical
program covers a wide range of important topics, including wireless sensor
networks, web servers, content distribution, overlay networks, and
peer-to-peer applications.

The workshop highlights include:

* Keynote address by Professor Andrew Campbell, Columbia University, on
  the topic of sensor networks;

* Keynote address by Professor Hui Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University;

* A strong technical program covering a range of important topics, and
  research projects in Asia, Europe and North America;

* A panel on "New Frontiers in Quality of Service," chaired by Professor
  Srinivasan Keshav, University of Waterloo.

As well, Montreal, as the "Paris of North America," may also offer unique
experiences.  The workshop hotel is ideally located in downtown, with
direct indoor access to the Underground City of Montreal.

Important dates:

Hotel reservation cut-off date: May 6 2004
IWQoS 2004 early registration deadline: May 20 2004

Please consider attending this 2.5-day workshop, and enjoy interactions
with other workshop attendees on important research topics, as well as
discussions in the panel about the future of Quality of Service research!

Baochun Li and Zhi-Li Zhang, program co-chairs

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