[e2e] overlay over TCP

Joe Touch touch at ISI.EDU
Wed Jan 19 17:08:12 PST 2005

RJ Atkinson wrote:
> Perhaps one of the paths forward is for folks who propose new 
> transport-layer protocols to also have an informational document
> targeted at folks who build firewalls (or other middle boxes) to help
> educate them on what the real risks are (and aren't) with the new
> protocol and also to give them help on how to implement support for
> that new protocol in their middle box...

That presumes, IMO, that NAT designers _want_ to incorporate new protocols.

> (My assumption here is that the big barrier is confusion/ignorance. :-)

For many, as well as many customers, "all new protocols are more 
dangerous than current ones" - as confused/ignorant as that may be. 
Nevermind how complicated support for SCTP would need to be (multipath, 
multistream + NAT rewriting = ?).

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