[e2e] a means to an end

John Day day at std.com
Thu Nov 6 13:46:50 PST 2008

Indeed.  As Shoch said, application names indicate what; addresses, 
where; and routes, how.

Of course in this case, the "where" is relative to the graph of the 
network.  Which is of course why addresses should be topological, 
i.e. location dependent but not route dependent.

At 15:52 -0500 2008/11/06, Craig Partridge wrote:
>In message <49134E2F.8010704 at reed.com>, "David P. Reed" writes:
>>Why should "location" be relevant to networking?   Must all wires be
>>buried permanently in the ground?  Does wireless and mobility not occur?
>I think it is easier to see the merit of location when one thinks about
>retrieving data.  You need some clue as to where the data is.

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