[e2e] ANCS 2009 Call for Papers

Yin Zhang yzhang at cs.utexas.edu
Tue Jun 2 23:11:43 PDT 2009

[We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this message]

                            CALL FOR PAPERS

              The 5th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures
               for Networking and Communications Systems

                               ANCS 2009

                          October 19-20, 2009
                       Princeton, New Jersey, USA

Sponsored by:
ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture (SIGARCH)
ACM Special Interest Group on Communications (SIGCOMM)
IEEE Computer Society Tech. Committee on Computer Architecture


Paper registration and abstract:             June 22, 2009
Submission deadline:                         June 29, 2009
Author notification:                       August 10, 2009


ANCS is a systems-oriented research conference, presenting original
work that explores the relationship between the architecture of modern
computer networks and the architecture of the individual hardware and
software elements from which these networks are built. This year's
conference will particularly emphasize insight into broader systems
issues in its paper selection, to recognize and foster the growth of
research that lies at the intersection of computer and network systems

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  *  System design for future network architectures
  *  Network architectures enabled by converged platforms
  *  Virtualized infrastructure architectures, rationale, and devices
  *  Converged router, server, and storage platforms
  *  Content-centric architectures, platforms, and mechanisms
  *  Scalable programming and application frameworks
  *  High performance / high function packet processing platforms
  *  Power- and size-optimized computer and communications platforms
  *  High-speed networking mechanisms and algorithms
  *  Network security architectures and security anchor/
     enhancement devices
  *  Single-chip platform integration
  *  Network measurement techniques, architectures, and devices
  *  Techniques and systems for large-scale data analysis
  *  Host-network interface issues
  *  Data center architectures
  *  Router and switch architectures

The PAPER DEADLINE for  submissions is June  29, 2009 at 11:59PM PST
(US). ANCS will use double-blind reviewing, so submitted papers should
not include the authors' names. Paper registration and submission must
be  done   electronically  through  EDAS   (edas.info).  Registration,
including the abstract, must be  completed no later than June 22, 2008
at 11:59PM  PDT (US). All  papers must be  submitted in PDF  format on
letter-size  paper.  Submissions must  be  viewable  by Adobe  Acrobat
Reader  (version 5.0  or higher)  and should  not exceed  10  pages in
ACM/SIG  conference  paper  format   using  10  pt  font.  Submissions
exceeding  the maximum  limit  will  not be  reviewed  by the  program
committee.  Camera-ready  versions  of  the accepted  papers  will  be
required to use the ACM SIG format

We encourage submissions containing original ideas. Like other
conferences, ANCS requires that papers not be submitted simultaneously
to any other conferences or publications; that submissions not be
previously published; and that accepted papers not be subsequently
published elsewhere.

Notification of Acceptance:  August 10, 2009.

Contact the program chairs with any questions at ancsTPC at arl.wustl.edu.


Peter Z. Onufryk, IDT
K. K. Ramakrishnan, AT&T Labs Research

Patrick Crowley, Washington University
John Wroclawski, USC/ISI

Jack Brassil, HP
Srihari Cadambi, NEC Labs
Chita Das, Penn. State Univ.
Bruce Davie, Cisco
Will Eatherton, Cisco
Hans Eberle, Sun
Nick Feamster, Georgia Tech.
Manolis Katevenis, FORTH/Univ. of Crete
T.V. Lakshman, Bell Labs
Bill Lin, Univ. of California, San Diego
Bin Liu, Tsinghua Univ.
Dave Maltz, Microsoft
Laurent Mathy, Lancaster University
Derek McAuley, Univ. of Nottingham
Jayaram Mudigonda, HP
Eugene Ng, Rice University
Robert Olsen, Cisco
Vijay Pai, Purdue University
Dhabaleswar Panda, Ohio State Univ.
Craig Partridge, BBN
Viktor Prasanna, USC
Chuck Thacker, Microsoft
Jonathan Turner, Washington University
Manish Vachharajani, U. Colorado at Boulder
Tilman Wolf, Univ. of Massachusetts
Fang Yu, Microsoft

Srihari Cadambi, NEC Labs

Yin Zhang, UT Austin

Bill Lin, Univ. of California, San Diego

Laxmi Bhuyan, UC-Riverside
Patrick Crowley, Washington U.
Mark Franklin, Washington U.
Derek McAuley, Univ. of Nottingham
Nick McKeown, Stanford Univ.
Peter Z. Onufryk, IDT
K. K. Ramakrishnan, AT&T Labs Research
Raj Yavatkar, Intel

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