The following is a transcript of the tablecloth notes made by Jon Postel during a lunch he shared with Danny Cohen in 1987 when they both led the Computer Networks Division at USC/ISI, that led to the Lake Arrowhead Advanced Computer Communication Workshop, March 30-31, 1987. These are the notes Jon made during lunch at the Coffee Emporium, which has since changed owners and is now known as the Panini Coffee and Cafe, 4325 Glencoe Avenue, Ste 8, Marina del Rey, CA, 90292. The date the note was written is not definitively known, but is estimated between 2 and 8 months prior (July 1986-Jan 1987). Transcribed by Joe Touch, 3/2014. Top to bottom, comments in braces {}. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Gordon [Bell]: Hardware Software Applications Gordon ------ Facilities *Next Generation Comm{unications} Attributes 1 M{illion] users widespread - anywhere speed 1.5 M{bps}, 45 M{bps}, 150 M{bps} and beyond (slowspeed, Hardware, media Protocols +->Protocol? | Interfaces? +-{Standards Applications Services Access Control Accounting Privacy relation to: Telephony, ISDN? TV??? [side notes] long haul vs. short {circled:} First/last mile services supplied by the network overnight delivery data compatibillity virtual terminal for FAX, ... P{??}B [mail server] Mailing lists etc. mail services in general Yellow Pages (passive) Active Advertize {circled:} not at ISI {sideways} workshop Cray IBM -------- Unisys DEC/WRL 2 day MIT expenses Stanford Affiliations PARC 40 people M/A-Com 10 HW {hardware} BBN 10 SW {software} SRI 10 App{lications} 10 Misc{ellaneous} Fast nibbles{?} Bellcore Bell Labs PONS{?} fiber people T45 [Bosack] Metcalf Cerf Kahn {Note: PONS = passive optical network} - D{anny Cohen} + Jon {Postel} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------