UDP vs. TCP distribution [was: Re: [e2e] Can feedback be generated...]

Bora Akyol akyol at pluris.com
Sun Mar 4 00:22:24 PST 2001

I would expect to see lots of content caching/distribution going on in the
transoceanic links such that multimedia traffic probably always gets
served from the nearest content server.

If that is the case, how is the content getting replicated to these
different continents? Do the traffic statistics over the transoceanic
links capture this replication or are these being beamed over satellite?



On Fri, 2 Mar 2001, Sally Floyd wrote:

> >I'd venture a guess that
> >most of this is RealMedia/QuickTime/Windows Media Player.  
> The packet traces from the MAWI Working Group Traffic Archive at
> "http://tracer.csl.sony.co.jp/mawi/" break down the udp traffic
> into dns, rip, realaud, halflif, everque, quake, and other.  E.g.,
> "http://tracer.csl.sony.co.jp/mawi/samplepoint-B/2001/200102251400.html".
> For the days that I looked, the UDP traffic on this transoceanic
> link was dominated by DNS, actually.  But maybe transoceanic links 
> have different traffic mixes than other ones.
> >Those
> >should use fairly well-defined congestion control mechanisms.  Is
> >there any work on characterizing these kinds of transport protocols
> >with respect to their levels of "TCP-friendliness"?
> We have just started to look at this.  In addition to thinking some
> about the potential fit of equation-based congestion control (e.g.,
> TFRC) for these kinds of traffic.  It turns out that the deployment
> of ECN in the Internet would add a new interest to some of these issues.
> - Sally
> --------------------------------
> http://www.aciri.org/floyd/
> --------------------------------

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