UDP vs. TCP distribution [was: Re: [e2e] Can feedback be generated...]

Eric A. Hall ehall at ehsco.com
Mon Mar 5 12:30:08 PST 2001

> > >arrive so the "closer" player gets a distinct advantage in terms of
> > >shorter inter-command gap).

> As Sean indicated, these are application dependent.

> The most basic human feedback loops (single flashing light,
> hit a switch) are in the 100 ms range. That means the
> network portion must be in the 20ms range to be 'noise'
> on the overall system delay. However, it gets longer

Not all functions fall in that category. Strafing is holding down a key
while turning, for example, not click-click-click. Running/motion is
holding down a key. Etc. Whenever a task involves interactive exchange of
packets which are not driven by user interaction, then the player with the
lower latency gets a distinct advantage.

There are also tasks which are user-automated. For example, a user may
have practiced a particular sequence of events, and may have developed a
timing patter such that they can execute events without waiting for
feedback from the system. Rather than "hit switch when light flashes" it
becomes "hit switch every 5ms because that's how often the light flashes"
which is fundamentally different, and this model also rewards players who
have low RTTs vs high RTTs.

The best Player-vs-Player fighters are trained monkeys with well-honed
reactionary pathways which allow them to react to macros that fail.

Eric A. Hall                                        http://www.ehsco.com/
Internet Core Protocols          http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/coreprot/

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