UDP vs. TCP distribution [was: Re: [e2e] Can feedback be generated...]

demir demir at usc.edu
Mon Mar 5 15:31:38 PST 2001

I agree with below lines. However, these are all "chaotic", to me. I
think, the main challenge is how could we "engineer" these anisotropic,
expanding, and mutating world as engineered as possible so that, may be,
"the Turing test" is achieved in the current state. As Joe Touch
indicated, "the levels of comprehensive and comlexity is hard to provide
quantitative measures". I think, searching for "evidence" requires to
solve the "relativity" problem as a human factor. I assume these are all
"phylosophical" issues that one might think unimportant. I think an
"enhanced architecture" should consider all these and other related
factors. Again, thse are all about "expectations".

Alper K. Demir

> | fact is theres few facts about any of this, jusdt lots of opinion.
> Well, yeah, but Jon, given that the Internet is heterogeneous,
> anisotropic, expanding, and mutating, it is really hard to be
> anything but anecdotal, since even the most comprehensive data
> set (one that defeats the observer problem (i.e., in the absence
> of isotropism, how do we know what things look like "over there"?)) 
> will quickly grow stale.
> | go look at the original bell labs papers on interative audio RTTs :
> | that was just opinion too - when we get to games (pace, Cheriton) same
> | applies in spades
> Are you arguing on the question of whether opnion can be "good enough",
> or on the question of whether something much more strong than opinion
> or localized (in space and time) measurements can be obtained with
> an affordable amount of effort?
> 	Sean.
> [in a long-ago CIDRD wg meeting when they were contentious]
> smd: well, that's just my opinion
> voice in crowd (tli? postel?): and we're ALL entitled to Sean's opinion

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