[e2e] ISN regeneration when Stateless SYN cookies are used

Mahesh Sooriyabandara mahesh at erg.abdn.ac.uk
Thu Oct 18 08:47:19 PDT 2001

>    I had a question about the Stateless SYN
>    cookie approach to solve the Denial of Service attack.
>    The linux kernel has implemented this for quite some
>    time now. ...
>    In the meantime the client gets the OLD SYN and it accepts
>    it and the connection goes to established state. A  TCB is
>    created.
>    Now when the new SYN+ACK arrives and if the new ISN falls
>    within the Receive window of the client, then the packet
>    is wrongly accepted.  How  do we handle this issue ?
> The packet is not accepted.  If you get a SYN while in established state
> then you are supposed to send a reset.  At least, that's how TCP used to
> work.

It is not that simple I think. What about a duplicate SYN resulted from a
SYN retransmission?
If you get a "duplicate" SYN while in established state you are "NOT"
suppose to send a RST.

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