[e2e] TCP and MAC layer

Gregory.Maman at space.alcatel.fr Gregory.Maman at space.alcatel.fr
Tue Oct 30 07:48:25 PST 2001

Following your intersting discussion : "What should e2e protocols know about
lower layers?",

I would have more information about the messages that could be exchange between
MAC layer and higher layers (TCP or Application).

For example, we can imagine that MAC layer indicates to TCP the available
bandwidth allocated for the connection (information available at the MAC layer
of a satellite terminal) and will allow  TCP to auto-tune his Initial Window.

Do you know what kind of messages could be exchanged and what are the mechanisms
available for this inter-layer exchange ?



DSR/RE/A  --  Ingénieur Réseaux
Tel : 33 (0) 5 34 35 35 14  /  Fax : 33 (0) 5 34 35 61 69
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