[e2e] Opensig 2001, London, 24-25 September

Hutchison, David d.hutchison at lancaster.ac.uk
Mon Sep 10 05:09:21 PDT 2001

Apologies for any duplication of this announcement


OpenSig 2001

Imperial College, London,
24-25 September


Registration Fee is UK Pounds 110 to include refreshments, meals, buffet

Register at the Web site:


Please fax in the completed form for payment.

Accommodation bookings should be done via Imperial College accommodation 


OpenSig 2001 Program

Imperial College, London,

24-25 September

Monday 24 September
08.00 Registration

08.55 Opening remarks

09.00-10.00 Keynote Talk 1:
      Building Block Interfaces for Rapid Network Element Innovation
      Alan Crouch (Intel Corporation)

10.00-10.30  coffee/tea break

10.30-12.30 Session 1:

Chair John Vicente (Intel)
Theme: Realizing Programmable Architectures

      ModeX - Multithreaded Module Execution Chains:
      A DynamicallyConfigurable Network Stack Architecture for Network 
          Lukas Ruf, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich, 

      NetFuel Programmable Network Framework
          Jim Harlow Co-Founder, NetFuel, USA

      Routelets and Network Processors
          Michael Kounavis, Columbia University, USA

      Composable Customizable Network Services
          Peter Steenkiste, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

      Implementing and Using the JAIN and Parlay Open Network APIs for 
Service Creation
		Zygmunt Lozinski, IBM, UK

12.30-13.30 lunch break

13.30-15.30 Session 2:

Chair Spyros Denazis (Hitachi Europe)
Theme: Open Interfaces, Protocols and Architectures

      An Overview of the Network Processing Forum
          Yosuke Terakura, OKI Network Technologies, USA.

      ForCES Forwarding and Control Element Separation in IP Networks
          Alan Crouch, Intel, USA.

      PARLAY APIs in New Telecommunication Eco-Systems
          Shane Yockey, Infitel, Germany

      Triggering Execution Environments of Active Networks without ANEP
          Eric Y. Chen, Keiichi Okabe, Dai Kashiwa,  Hitoshi Fuji,
          NTT Laboratories, Japan

      YAN A Framework for Universal Active Services in IP Networks
          Yang-Hui, Chang et al, Yuan-Ze University, Chung-Li, Taiwan

15.30-16.00 tea/coffee break

16.00-18.00 Session 3:

Chair Hermann de Meer (UCL)
Theme: Application Level Active Networking and Beyond

      Signalling in AMnet,
          Anke Speer,  Martina Zitterbart, Karlsruhe University, Germany

      Application-level Multicast as a Transition Mechanism towards IPv6
          Mark Banfield et al, Lancaster University, UK

      Towards Active Content Distribution Networks
          Glen MacLarty & Michael Fry, University of Technology,
          Sydney, Australia

      Data Management for Low Energy Consuming Active Network Applications
          Karel Van Oudheusden, Katholieke Universiteit
      Leuven, Belgium

      An Architecture for Bi-level Active Networking
          Ken Carlberg, Hermann de Meer, and Jon Crowcroft,
          University College London, UK

18.00 - 2100  Wine and Buffet Reception
Physics Common Room Roof Patio, Imperial College

Tuesday 25 September
09.00-10.00 Keynote Talk 2:
      Network Processors, Enablers for Programmable Networks
          Patrick Droz (IBM Labs Zurich)

10.00-10.30 coffee/tea break

10.30-12.30 Session 4:

Chair Rolf Stadler (Columbia University)
Theme: Peer-to-peer & Programmable Networks

      Peer-to-Peer Internetworking,
          Scott Michel and Peter Reiher, UCLA, USA

      An Application-level Active Networks Based Architecture for the
      Performance Management of Peer-to-Peer Services
          Hermann de Meer, Kurt Tutschuk, University College London, UK

      Network Enhanced Distributed Services
          Michah Lerner, AT&T Labs and Columbia University, USA

      On the Algorithmic Aspects of Programmable Networks
          Dan Raz, Bell Labs, USA and Technion, Israel

      On the Foundations of Network Programmability
          Aurel A. Lazar and Mahesan Nandikesan,
          XBind Inc. and Columbia University, USA

12.30-13.30 lunch break

13.30-15.30 Session 5:

Chair Ian Marshall (BTexact Technologies)
Theme: Management and Security Issues

      Programming Management Applications for Large-scale Dynamic Networks
          Rolf Stadler, Columbia University, USA

      The Open Kernel Environment,
          Herbert Bos and Bart Samwel,
          Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)Netherlands

      Programming Routers to improve Network Security
          Roberto Canonico et al,  University of Napoli, Italy

      Promile:  A Management Architecture for Programmable Modular Routers
          M. Rio et al, University College London

      Distributed Policy Decision Enforcement based on Active Networks
          Nadia Boukhatem, Habib Bakour, ENST, France

15.30 tea/coffee break

16.00 Keynote Talk 3:
      Networks Needed for Pervasive Computing
          Alan Steventon (BTexact Technologies)

17.00 Closing remarks


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