[e2e] 4th Intl. Workshop on Networked Group Communication (NGC 2002)

Brian Levine brian at cs.umass.edu
Fri Mar 15 05:28:48 PST 2002

I'm forwarding the follow call for papers for NGC 2002 to the end2end
list with permission.  Please distribute the call to friends and
colleagues who may be interested.

Brian Levine
UMass Amherst


    Fourth International Workshop on Networked Group Communication

			 October 23-25, 2002
		      Boston, Massachusetts, USA
		    Organized in cooperation with
		  ACM SIGCOMM (pending) and COST 264


   The aim of NGC is to allow researchers and practitioners to present
   the design and implementation techniques for networked group
   communication. The focus of the workshop is on peer-to-peer,
   multicast, and networked group communication, ranging from the link
   layer, through routing, and reliability and traffic control, right
   up to session and application level control mechanisms. This
   workshop is the fourth of this international event. The first
   workshop was in Pisa, Italy, in November 1999; the second was in
   Stanford, USA, in November 2000; the third was in London, UK,
   in November 2001.

   We wish to distinguish NGC as a forum for novel and creative
   research projects and discussions on the future of networked group
   communication in academia and industry. To this end, NGC invites
   you to submit five-page extended abstracts. Authors of accepted
   papers will be invited to present at the workshop and publish
   full-length versions of their papers in the workshop
   proceedings. The extended abstract abstract should represent the
   paper in "short form."  Authors should include full references,
   figures and significant results when available. The submissions
   will be judged on significance, originality, clarity, relevance,
   and correctness.

   The conference will be held at Holiday Inn, Brookline in Boston,
   MA.  It will start with two half-day tutorials on October 23,
   2002. The technical program will include a keynote and invited
   talks on October 24-25, 2002. Depending on interest level, and
   suitable proposed topics, there may also be a panel discussion as
   well as a poster session. Authors are invited to submit papers on
   any issue related to networked group communication, including:

     * peer-to-peer applications
     * applications and services enabled through multicast
     * wireless and mobile communication
     * multiplayer games
     * measurement studies
     * content distribution
     * network security
     * application layer multicast
     * economic models
     * novel group communication architectures
     * routing, naming, address allocation
     * group and session management techniques
     * QoS and network engineering
     * scalability: overheads, stability, analysis, experiments
     * adaption and congestion control for group communication
     * heterogeneous group communication
     * reliable and semi-reliable protocols

Important Dates:

   Paper Registration and Submission: May 17, 2002
   Notification: July 24, 2002
   Camera Ready copy: August 15, 2002
   Conference Dates: October 23-25, 2002


   Technical Co-Chairs:
   Mostafa Ammar (Georgia Tech)
   Brian Neil Levine (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

   General Chair:
   John Byers (Boston University)

Technical Committee:

   Kevin Almeroth          UC Santa Barbara
   Samrat Bhattacharjee    Univ. Maryland
   Supratik Bhattacharyya  Sprint Advanced Technology Labs
   Ernst Biersak           Institut Eurecom
   John Byers              Boston University
   Jon Crowcroft           University of Cambridge
   Christophe Diot         Sprint Advanced Technology Labs
   Constantinos Dovrolis   University of Delaware
   Jordi Domingo-Pascual   Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
   Derek Eager             University of Saskatchewan
   Wolfgang Effelsberg     University of Mannheim
   Serge Fdida             Laboratoire LIP6-CNRS
   Lixin Gao               University of Massachusetts
   J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves University of California, Santa Cruz
   Mark Handley            ICSI Center for Internet Research
   Markus Hoffman          Lucent Technologies
   David Hutchison         Lancaster University
   Sugih Jamin             University of Michigan
   Jim Kurose              University of Massachusetts
   Guy Leduc               universite de Liege
   Jorg Liebeherr          University of Virginia
   Sanjoy Paul             Lucent Technologies
   Christos Papadopoulos   Univerity of Southern California
   Colin Perkins           Information Sciences Institute
   Luigi Rizzo             ICSI Center for Internet Research
   Elizabeth Royer         University of California, Santa Barbara
   Dan Rubenstein          Columbia University
   Thierry Turletti        INRIA-Sophia Antipolis
   Clay Shields            Georgetown University
   Ellen Zegura            Georgia Tech

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